The Tex4IM partnership aims bringing together the main European textile-based clusters in countries/regions where the textile and clothing industry represents a significant share of the national/regional economy, to enhance innovation capacities, business models, knowledge and skill levels and other key competitive factors that will determine the future of European Textile-clothing sector.Namely, the partnership aims at building strong competences and form strategic alliances in the following strategic areas, based on the priorities of the Strategic Innovation & Research Agenda recently produced by the ETP-European Textile Platform:

  1. Circular economy and resource efficiency applied to textile-clothing value chains in Europe;
  2. Advanced digitised manufacturing, value chains and business models principles applied to textile-clothing value chains in Europe, including industry modernization;
  3. E-marketing and thematic social communities for attractive growth markets for TC product, as advanced way of approaching the final consumer;
  4. Advanced Textile Materials (ATM) investigation for the development of new and diversified high added-value products and applications, marketable in the medium-long term socio-economic scenario.

The establishment of a partnership composed of main TC clusters in Europe will allow to:

  • Set up a sustainable incubator and accelerator system for the generation of joint investment projects in TC and other related or cross-linkable sectors;
  • To develop a joint strategy for industrial modernisation of TC sector of Europe;
  • Accelerate the uptake of innovation and increase of production by TC SMEs, thanks to a more focused and effective R&D matching and a more efficient design of new business models and value chains.

The Tex4IM partnership is composed by: Next Technology Tecnotessile (IT-Coordenator), Astrico (RO), ATEVAL (SP), CITEVE (PT), Clutex (CZ), PO.IN.TEX (IT), Smart Textiles (SW), UP-Tex (FR).

More info: https://tex4im.eu/


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