
The Portuguese Textile Cluster was present at the Awareness Session for EDU4TEX

The EDU4TEX 2.0 project (http://edu4tex.eu) aims to support the development of a more attractive and competitive industry based on informed young people, trained and motivated to work in a sector that is no longer seen as a traditional industry where work is repetitive, inferior and with demotivating tasks.
The project integrates activities aimed at mobilizing young students, their educators, teachers and schools, explaining the relevance of a career in industry (mainly in the textile and clothing industry).
Between 12 and 14 March 2019, a C1 Awareness Session was held in Alcoy, Spain, in which the following instruments were presented and validated: Tutorials for Career Advisors and Tutorials for Teachers, developed within the scope of the Project.
Soon the Instruments will be made available on the Project website.

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