

The Portuguese Textile Cluster signed with the Government on the morning of September 11, the sectoral Pact for competitiveness and internationalization, which intends to "constitute the formalization of alignment in the strategic areas to be implemented in the next years"

The executive director of the Cluster has the expectation that the Community funds should consider as a priority the tradable goods industry – in the perspective of exports and substitution of imports – and the pact signed today is already the mainsto of this strategy. "We have for example to respond to the integration of recycled materials: The major international brands come to Portugal waiting for us to present solutions to these challenges and we have to be prepared," he said.

The pact signed with the Portuguese Textile Cluster – with 50 organizations (companies, public and private entities, academia, research centres) – was signed by António Amorim and Braz Costa, president and Director-General of CITEVE, respectively and, on the government side, by the Minister of Economics, Pedro Siza Vieira.

With the mutual objective – the commitment to approach public and private actors around a strategic way for the growth of different value chains – other clusters today signed identical pacts with the government: aeronautics, Space and Defense Footwear and fashion; Railroad sustainable Habitat; Portuguese sea; Petrochemical Industrial chemistry and refining; Mineral resources; Smart cities; and information, communication and electronic technologies.

In Jornal T

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