
Interview with Manuel Gonçalves, TMG Group Administrator


The Portuguese Cluster was the one that had the highest approval rate of the projects presented in Portugal 2020 - says Manuel Gonçalves, member of the Cluster High Level Group and administrator of the TMG group.

P. The textile cluster - in the sense of the vast majority of companies in the sector geographically close - has been around for many years ...

A. It is a natural cluster. Our textile and clothing industry (ITV) lives and coexists well with the coexistence in a relatively small physical space of a large number of companies. And the existence of the cluster is a fantastic factor of competitiveness.


Q. By itself?

A. During the years of the crisis, the first decade of the 21st century, when too many companies disappeared, my greatest fear was that we would lose the critical mass that is needed to attract brands to come here to make their collections / productions.

Q. I'm afraid it has not been confirmed ...

A. Fortunately, ITV has been able to keep a range of specialties in the range of 50 to 60 kilometers, justifying customers' travel to Portugal.

Q. There is potential. Making the most of it is the Textile Cluster's mission?

A. The more interaction between companies, the more competitive we will be. Our mission is to exploit the installed potential, raising the collective efficiency degrees of a set of actors who individually have demonstrated their value and the ability to go further.

[Read the full interview here: http://jornal-t.pt/entrevista/manuel-goncalves/]

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