
The Portuguese Textile Cluster does not have legal personality, basing its operational activities on CITEVE - Technological Center of the Textile and Clothing Industries of Portugal. However, its strategic orientation is carried out by a governance structure with strategic independence, but articulated with the Technological Center.

The governance of Cluster activities is ensured by four bodies: General Assembly of Members, High Level Group, Special Interest Groups and Operacional and Executive Structure.

High Level Group (HLG)

Group of entrepreneurs and reference entities committed to the recognition and appreciation of the Portuguese Textile Cluster, with fundamental functions of Advisory Group and visible face of the household, namely in lobbying and communication. Consists of 7 elements.

Special Interest Groups (SIG)

Thematic groups for reflection and strategic formulation around the structuring pillars of intervention of the Textile Cluster, namely:

Talents, Training and Education;
RD&I and Sustainability;
Fashion and Creativity;
Internationalization and public market access;
Interclustering - Cross sectorial approach.

These groups constitute a participatory instrument of intelligence, formulating collective bets and monitoring actions. They also have as mission the advising of the executive and operational structure of governance in subjects related to their area of specialty.

They are constituted by members of the cluster specialists in different areas of knowledge.

Operacional and Executive Structure

The Executive and Operational Governance Structure has the following functions:

  • To stimulate the contact and articulation, collaboration and information sharing among the members of the cluster, namely in activities not covered by the members;
  • To promote the Cluster image both nationally and internationally;
  • To promote monitoring of results and impacts of actions aligned with the Cluster strategy.

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