Cluster-Têxtil-iTechStyle Showcase®

iTechStyle Showcase®


The iTechStyle Showcase®-Textile Innovation and Business Platform is an initiative aimed at fostering and giving visibility to innovation in the textile and national clothing row, through the promotion and dissemination of innovative products and ideas, as well as a platform for Fostering business and encouraging entrepreneurship.

The iTechStyle Showcase® focuses on the stimulation of networking between textiles, clothing and technical textiles and related sectors, always in a logic of approaching holders of innovative ideas and concepts to potential investors/ Decision makers. It intends to support the development of new products, new businesses, new projects and initiatives, which contribute to the design of a whole new generation of the textile and apparel industry, bearer of more value and more innovation.

The iTechStyle Showcase®-Textile Innovation and Business Platform aggregates a set of 3 spaces, which joins the iTechStyle Awards (which replaces the Innovative prize):





These parallel initiatives should spill the boundaries of the textile and apparel sector itself, in order to also contribute to greater transpackaging and a more intense positive contamination of I&DI originating in this industrial row with the drivers of Development and innovation of the most varied fields of application for textiles and apparel materials and products, which present themselves as new market opportunities for products and solutions of high added value.


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