Cluster management towards excellence in Advanced Manufacturing and Textile Industry


  • Strengthen cluster management excellence of the participating European clusters to boost their specialized innovation eco-system by facilitating the cross-sectoral and cross-regional collaboration to facilitate the uptake of digitalization within and beyond the partnership with the implementation of ClusterXchange pilot scheme.
  • Alignment  each individual cluster strategy with the RIS3 priorities at each region and the uptake digitalization as a common driver for growth and innovation towards excellence.
  • Foster transregional value chains involved and promote transregional cooperation with specialized ecosystems across Europe, with a strong focus on smart industrial specialization priorities where all partners are already active.


PROJECT DURATION: february 2022 to july 2022



  • Clusters´ banchmarking and strategy development ( Meeting, workshops and Market studies,..);
  • Capacity building ( Coaching sessions, learning visits,...);
  • Partnership joint strategy building ( Networking events, development of services,...);
  • ClusterXchange,identification of large events and partnership joint events to use their synergic traction to gather several participants together);





AEI TEXTILS - Associacio Agrupacio D´empreses Innovadores Textils (coordenador)

ATEVAL - Asociacion de Empresarios Textiles De La Region Valenciana

Portuguese Textile Cluster /Citeve

PRODUTECH – Associação para as tecnologias de produção sustentável

EMC2 – Pole EMC2


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