Advancing industrial digital and green innovations in the advanced textile industry through innovation in learning and training.



  • The main objective is to facilitate the co-creation of knowledge between higher education (HEI) and vocational education training (VET), research, public sector and business sector within the advanced textile materials sector to foster new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning;
  • Improve the quality and relevance of skills developed and certified through education and training systems.


PROJECT DURATION: july 2022 to june 2025



  • Analysis of the textile industry and the education system in the areas of green, digital and resilience skills;
  • Creation of specialized courses, curricula and innovative tools (MOOC);
  • Mobility programs;
  • Reinforce skills of the textile industry through ADDTEX hubs (international virtual internships, requalification programs,...).






AEI Tèxtiles  –- Associacio Agrupacio D´empreses Innovadores Textils (coordinator)

CLUTEX – Klastr Technicke Textile

Portuguese Textile Cluster/ Citeve

IVGT- Industrieverband Veredlung- Garne-Gewebw-Technische Textilien

TITERA – Technico Inovativne Technologje,Doo

UCP – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

UBORAS – Hoesgskolan-Boras

LIT – Limerick Institute of Technology

PIN – PIN soc. Cons. A.R.L – Servizi Didattici per L´Universita di Firenze

CRETHIDEV – Creative Thinking Development

CIAPE – Centro Italiano per L´ Apprendimento Permanente

INCDTP – Institutul National de Cercetare -dezvoltare Pentru Textile si Pielarie


 Project nº101056303- Advancing industrial digital and green innovations in the advanced textile industry through innovation in learning and training. Funded by the European Union. Views and opnions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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